Learn Colloquial Konkani

Hello/good morning Deu boro dis dium
My name is (name) Mojem naum (name)
I come from (place) Mau zo gao (place)
What is your name? Tuchem naum kitay?
Good evening Deu bori sanz dium
Good night Deu bori raat dium
Can you tell me? Maka saangshi?
How are you? (male) Tum Ko so asa?
Can you help me? Mhojem modot korshi?
How are you? (female) Ko shem asa?
Sorry Maaf kor
Why Kiteak
Thank you Deu borem korum
Where Khuim
Please Upkar koroonc
What Kitem
Yes/no Hoei/Na
I feel sick Mhojea jivak borem dissonam
I am happy Aoo tsaud kooshi
I am tired Aoo tsod tokla
Good Borem
I love Goa Maka Goemcho mog asa
What is the time? Kitlim voram zaleant?
Goodbye Miochay / Adeus
Do you speak English Tum Inglez uloitai?
I speak a little Konkani Aoo thodee Konkani ooloyta
Can you get me a taxi? Maka ek taxi haadshi?
Where is the (Police Station)? (Police Station) khuim assa?
How do I go there? Thuim hao kosso vossoonk?
When does the bus leave? Bus kitley anc so ta?
How much does a taxi charge? Taxi kitley bhaadem ghetaam?
How far is the bus stop? Bus stop kitley pois assa?
How long will it take? Kitlo vogoth laagtolo?
Does this bus go to (Panjim)? Ee bus (Panjim) voi ta?
Which bus goes to (Calangute)? Khui chi bus Calangute vetaa?
Have we arrived in (Candolim)? (Candolim) pau lay?
How much to (Baga) (Baga)vossoonk kitlay pot ollay?
Where can I catch the bus to (Panjim) (Panjim) bus ko ee tamta?
Do you have a room/house to rent? Tu jay shee room/ghor asa?
Turn left/right Dai an/ Ooj an wot
Where can I make a phone call? Maka phone koroonc khuim meltolem?
I would like a single / double room Maka single / double room zai
How many kilometers is it to (Calangute)? (Calangute) kitlay pois asa?
What is the charge per day? Eke dissak kitley poi shay?
I want a room for a day Maka eke dissak room zai
I am thirsty Maka taan lagleah
I am hungry Maka bhook lagleah
Water Oodok
I do not want it spicy Maka tik naka
Where can I get some snacks? Maka khaunk ‘snacks’ khuim meltolem?
No sugar Saakor naka
No ice Borof naka
The food is good Jevon borem
Do you sell cashew nuts? Tumi kaju bhieo viktaat?
Have you got another one like this? Oslem aneek assa?
Too expensive! Ekdom mar rog!
Do you take credit card? Tu credit card ghetam?
How much? Kitlem?
I want… Maka zai…
I’ll take this Haon hem ghetam
Can I pay in dollars / pounds? Mhojean pounds voh dollaraani faarik koroonc zata?
I don’t want it Maka naka


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