Family Relationship Names in Konkani


In today’s “Mum”, “Dad” culture, many of our younger generation may not know, how exactly address to someone in their family or relatives. 

Konkani is such a rich language, we have specific terms for each and every relations.

Come lets learn relation from Konkanis United -

  1. Aab, Ajjo, Aajo :- Grand Father
  1. Vodli Maai, Aaji, Ajji, Bapama, Anama, :-  Paternal Grand Mother
  1. Vodli Maai, Aaji, Ajji, Mamama, Amama :- Maternal Grand Mother
  1. Pijjo :- Great Grand Father
  1. Pijji :- Great Grand Mother
  1. Bappu, Mantu :- Father’s Eldest Brother
  1. Kaka, Bappa :- Father’s Younger Brother
  1. Maavh :-  Father’s Eldest Brother’s Wife
  1. Pachhi :- Father’s Younger Brother’s Wife
  1. Akkai :- Father’s Sister
  1. Bhavaji :- Father’s Sister’s Husband
  1. Maavu :- Father In Law
  1. Maai, Sasumaai :- Mother In Law
  1. Maam, Mamu :- Mothers Brother
  1. Maami, Maai :-  Mothers Brothers Wife
  1. Maushi, Pachhi :- Mother’s Sister
  1. Bapai, Baab, Aanu :- Father
  1. Avai, Maai, Amma, Aai :- Mother
  1. Challo, Chedo :- Boy
  1. Chelli, Chedu :- Girl
  1. Puut :- Son
  1. Dhuuv :- daughter
  1. Vodlo Bhaav, Dhattu, Anna :- Elder Brother
  1. Vodli Bhini, Baai, Taai :- Elder Sister
  2. Dakto Bhaav  :-  Younger Brother
  3. Dakti Bhini :- Younger Sister
  1. Janvuin/ Zavoy :- Son in Law
  1. Suun :- Daughter in Law
  1. Naatu :- Grandson
  1. Nathi :- Granddaughter
  1. Nathran :- Grandchildren
  1. Ponttu :- Great Grandson
  1. Pontti :- Great Granddaughter
  1. Pontturan :- Great Grandchildren
  1. Naath Suun : Grandson’s Wife
  1. Naath Janvuim/Zavoy : Granddaughter’s Husband
  1. Ponttu Suun: Great Grandson’s Wife
  1. Pontti Janvuim/Zavoy : Great Granddaughter’s Husband
  1. Puthanno/Putthoni :- Brother’s Son
  1. Dhuvddi :- Brother’s Daughter
  1. Bhacho :- Sister’s Son
  1. Bhachi :- Sister’s Daughter
  1. Sovthin/ Dhaktee Bayl :- Second wife
  1. Sovtheli Maai, Amma :- Stepmother
  1. Sovthelo Baab, Aanu :- Stepfather
  1. Sovtho Puut , Dhaktelo Puut : Stepson
  1. Sovthi Dhuv : Stepdaughter
  1. Ghovv, Bammun :- Husband
  1. Bhayl :- Wife
  1. Bhayyo:- Husband's Elder Brother
  2. Dher :- Husbands Younger Brother
  3. Nanand :- Husband Sister (Sister in Law)
  4. Jaav :- husband’s Brother’s Wife
  1. Vani, Vonni :- Elder Brothers Wife
  2. Bhovuji :- Sister’s Husband
  1. Mevnno :- Wife’s Brother
  1. Mevnni :- Wife’s Sister
  1. Saddu :- Wife’s sisters Husband
  1. Bacho :- Nephew
  1. Bachi :- Niece
  1. Posko :- Adopted Son
  1. Poski:- Adopted Daughter
  1. Pagurmanv  :- Father-in-law’s Brother
  1. Pagurmaai :- mother-in-law’s Sister
  1. Novro, Varhetu :- Groom
  1. Okhal, :- bride
  1. Deddo :- Best Man
  1. Deddi :- Brides maid


  1. Bore disle. Ready recknower ashi. Bhas common urka. Sakat lokank sopi jata. Abhar aso.

    1. देव बरे करू माम तुमका

  2. #11 bhavoji..
    In mangalorean RC dialect it means sister's husband.
    Father,s sister,s husband is ma'am.

  3. Sister husband is mentioned in 55 number.


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