शंगमेश्ळरी कोकणी बोऱीभावा – Sangmeshwari Konkani Dialect

शंगमेश्ळरी कोकणी बोऱीभावा – Sangmeshwari Konkani Dialect

Sangmeshwari Konkani dialect is most widely spoken in Ratnagiri Region from Sangmeshwar to Chiplun. As per the N. G. Kalelkar classification, based on the historical events and cultural ties of the speakers, N. G. Kalelkar has broadly classified the dialects of Konkani. As per N G Kalelkar Classification Sangmeshwari comes under Northern Konkani Group. As per ISO 639-3 classification Sangmeshwari comes under ISO 639:knn language group which is known as Maharashtrian Konkani. Some linguists consider this dialect as dialect of Marathi.
दोस्तानु शंगमेश्ळरी षी बोऱी भावा कोकणात शंगमेश्ळर ते चिपलून या भागात बोल्ऱी जाता. काय शमजऱाळ? आमच्या


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