THREE KINGS festival of Goa

With d recently concluded Advent (Christmas) Season culminating with Epiphany or d 3 Kings visitation of Child Jesus in d Manger feast, there is a lot of traditions involved . For example in Chandor- a Goan Catholic Kshatriya[Charodi] village, 3 Charodi boys are chosen from d villages' respective 3 wards to be the 3 kings. This feast is also celebrated in d South of Goa in the 3 villages of Q/Cuelim, Cansaulim & Arossim. In d North of Goa where lies d Reis Magos Church in honour of d 3 Reis /kings, the feast is celebrated in all its pomp n with gaiety.

There is also a folklore that's just a hearsay that states the 3 Kings were from Ethiopia, Punjab-India & Goa's Verem respectively. :P :)

The 3 Kings were actually 3 Zorastrian Priests{ Magis} from d Greater Khorasan: Balthaz{s}ar, Caspar & Melchior. This link establishes the bonding between Christianity & Zorastrianism [the chapter of Revelation in d Bible is also a link between Judeo-Christianity ] .

Rai~in Marathi or Sanskrit means King, Prince or Lord.


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