Special and important days for Konkanis

Did you know these special and important days for Konkanis.

📌16th January 
अस्मिताय दीस / Asmitai Dis
( Identity Day / Goa Opinion Poll Day ) :

The referendum backed by United Goans Party, offered the people of Goa a choice between continuing as a separate territory of India, or merging with the large Marathi speaking state of Maharashtra, the latter being the agenda of the Maharashtrawadi Gomantak Party. It is the only referendum to have been held in independent India. The people of Goa voted against the merger and Goa continued to be a union territory. Subsequently, in 1987, Goa became a full-fledged state within the Indian Union.
📌4th February:
कोंकणी राजभास दीस / Konkani Rajbhas Dees
(Konkani State Language Day) :

As per the Government policy this Directorate adopted Konkani as the Official Language of then Union Territory of Goa, Daman and Diu and accordingly the Goa, Daman and Diu Official Language Act, 1987 (Act 5 of 1987) was enacted in pursuance of section 34 of the Government of Union Territories Act, 1963 (Central Act 20 of 1963). Official Language Act, 1987 provides that Konkani shall be the Official Language
📌 26 February : 
The Kendra Sahitya Academy recognised Konkani, in the Devanagari script, as an independent language on 26 February 1975. This paved the way for the decision to include Konkani in the Eighth Schedule of the Indian Constitution making Konkani one of the official languages of India.

📌9th April:
विश्व कोंकणी दीस /Vishwa Konkani Dees
(World Konkani Day) :

This has been celebrated on 9 April  every year since 2015. It is in remembrance of noted Konkani activist, Shenoi Goembab.

📌30th May:
गोंय राज्यत्व दीस /Goy Rajyotsav Dees
(Goa Statehood Day) :

Goa did not achieve full statehood in 1971 as was expected. Following persistent demands; including a 1976 resolution by the Goa assembly demanding full statehood; Goa finally became a state on 30 May 1987

📌20th August: 
कोंकणी राष्ट्रमान्यताय दीस / Konkani Rastramanyataay Dees : 

Observed since August 20, 1992 to mark the inclusion of Konkani in the 8th Schedule of Indian Constitution as one among the 22 official languages in India

📌19 Dec : 
गोवा मुक्ति दिवस / Goa Mukthi Diwas
(Goa Liberation Day) :

Regarded as one of the most significant days  in the history of Goa, also considered as the forgotten war for freedom, December 19 commemorates the freeing of Goa from Portuguese rule by the Indian Armed Forces and the complete independence of the Indian subcontinent. It is termed as 'Goa Liberation Day'.


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